Date of Birth: 15/07/1992

Place of Birth: Roma

Weight x Height: 57 x 1,71

Speciality: Mixed 470

Position: Helmsman

First Club: Lega Navale Italia - Lido di Ostia

Club: Aeronautica Militare

First Coach: Claudio Ramoni

Coach: Michele Marchesini

Other Sports: Gymnastics, athletics, surfing

Hobby: Travelling, reading, film

Relationship Status: Single

Olympic Appearances:

3 (Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020, Parigi 2024)



Her course was charted from a young age, when her father decided to enrol her in a sailing course. In Paris 2024, she is ready for her third Olympic experience. She was already part of the Azzurra delegation at Rio 2016 due to a last-minute substitution before the Games. Her participation in Tokyo 2020 and the French Olympics, on the other hand, is the result of steady growth that, between 2017 and 2021, led her to win the European silver and world bronze medals in the 470 event, alongside Sveva Carraro in Monaco and Bianca Caruso in Portugal, respectively. A Business Economics student, away from regattas she enjoys relaxing with a good book or a movie. Since the end of 2021, she has been dedicated to the mixed 470, always driven by her love for this sport which is soon to be transformed once again into the Olympic dream she wants to experience as a protagonist in the waters of Marseille, alongside her crew-mate Bruno Festo. 



Olympic Games

19a Rio (BRA) 2016 - 470
13a Tokyo (JPN) 2020 - 470
15ª Parigi (FRA) 2024 - 470 misto

World Championships

23a Santander (ESP) 2014 - 470
33a Haifa (ISR) 2015 - 470
20a San Isidoro (ARG) 2016 - 470
16a Salonicco (GRE) 2017 - 470
16a Aarhus (DEN) 2018 - 470
4a Enoshima (JPN) 2019 - 470
3a Vilamoura (POR) 2021 - 470
17ª Sdot Yam (ISR) 2022 - 470 misto
37ª L'Aia (NED) 2023 - 470 misto
29ª Palma (ESP) 2024 - 470 misto

European Championships

32a Formia (ITA) 2013 - 470
23a Atene (GRE) 2014 - 470
27a Aarhus (DEN) 2015 - 470
38a Maiorca (ESP) 2016 - 470
2a Monaco (MON) 2017 - 470
4a Bourgas (BUL) 2018 - 470
12a Sanremo (ITA) 2019 - 470
6ª Vilamoura (POR) 2021 - 470
18ª Cesme (TUR) 2022 - 470 misto
14ª Sanremo (ITA) 2023 - 470 misto
6ª Cannes (FRA) 2024 - 470 misto

World Cup

Coppa del Mondo - Final
9a Abu Dhabi (UAE) 2014 - 470
8a Santander (ESP) 2017 - 470
3a Marsiglia (FRA) 2018 - 470
12a Marsiglia (FRA) 2019 - 470
